Congelados de Navarra donates 11,500 kilos of food to help in the Covid-19 crisis
This is the latest solidarity initiative by the company, which plans to distribute 11,500 kilos of foodstuffs among a number of associations that are suffering the consequences of the pandemic. One example is the Food Bank of Pamplona to which Congelados de Navarra has donated 2,000 kilos of frozen vegetables. “It’s great for us. They are products that cover a wide range of needs in this situation, in which requests for help from new families have increased, as well as those we regularly receive in the Food Bank. Every day we distribute between 800 and 900 batches of food to the homes of people who have been tested for the virus, and they are delighted to receive them”, says José Miguel Pérez, a Food Bank volunteer.
Another group that has gratefully received food batches is the Peregrinos de la Eucaristía (Pilgrims of the Eucharist), totalling 790 kilos. “It’s a gift from God. They could have rung us at any time, but they called at exactly the right moment. We live off charity and right now we cannot sell our pastries, our only source of income, so we are very grateful. We have distributed what we have received among the three centres our community has in Lizaso, Tudela and Corella”, one of the nuns tells us.
The NGO Remar and Asociación Cristiana Vida Nueva are other beneficiaries, and the Catering Cooperative of Navarra has helped in this respect. Thanks to its efforts, food has reached the home of old people without resources, the Hermanitas de los Pobres and Cáritas Diocesana in Pamplona, and the cooperative has undertaken the deliveries itself.
This is the latest gesture made by our company to help some of the most vulnerable groups in the region during this health crisis.
“We have been donating food to entities that need it for years. We know that now, more than ever, many families have problems accessing basic necessities. Since the crisis began, we decided to do everything we could to help. We consider it essential and feel that we have to do something”, says company CEO Benito Jiménez, who adds that “this would not be possible without the effort, professionalism, dedication and commitment shown by all the workers in the chain. From the moment the products leave our premises until they arrive at people’s homes, they are the people who are really responsible for food getting onto people’s tables.”
The company, strongly committed to the most disadvantaged sectors of society, has been making this type of food donations since it was founded twenty years ago. In the last three years it has distributed 108,000 kilos throughout the country.